Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Writing a Birth Story

Birth stories are common to find online these days, usually written by a Mom who has recently had a baby and wants to share her experience with the world. It can be very healing and therapeutic for some women to write out their birth story, from start to finish, about their personal experience with pregnancy, labor, delivery, and maybe even a little about their recovery. If a birth has been traumatic for any reason, sometimes it might take awhile for Mom to feel comfortable writing it down, or she might decide to keep it private. Birth stories can be written for the world to read, as a letter to the child, or in an attempt to educate someone else through Mom’s own experiences.

Whatever the reason, consider writing out your own. Even if it was a year or two ago! Get started simply with what I like to call a “brain purge.” Just start writing- don’t think about grammar, spelling, or even whether or not your thoughts are coherent. The goal is to get it all out and on to paper, and sometimes purging is the easiest way to get started. You might be surprised at what you write!

- To Read The Rest, see Blissful Beginnings

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