Thursday, August 16, 2012


Cannon was a big baby! He shares my sisters birthday, August 18. I always love it when days get double meanings. I celebrated my sisters birthday by attending a secheduled ceserean with a family who was trying to VBAC. I know, you are all groaning. “not another failed VBAC…”. 

But, before you roll your eyes and curse the doctor and wish for better guidelines, etc… 

Let me tell you that this is a story of triumph. 

Triumph over fear. 

This is the story of jubilation and celebration and yes, even the story of BIRTH! a ceserean BIRTH! A strong woman facing the odds, choosing her battles and making decisions and finally resigning herself to what she felt like was the best course for her and her baby. It started a long time ago. I met with mom and dad after a difficult battle to make our schedules work. 

But, we finally met. I heard the story of her first birth - with all it’s confusion and uncertainty. Mom was hoping this time would be different and maybe a doula could help. I had been doula for one of her friends. This family was so busy and it was really difficult getting together, but over the course of her preganancy we got together several times to talk about her birthplan and we kept in touch about her doctor visits. 

At about 38 weeks, the talking started….no labor signs, baby is measuring big, no dilation, no effacement….maybe we should start talking about the possibility of a repeat ceserean birth. As she moved through the last few weeks I could see her flagging. Her usual sunny demeanor was replaced by a melancholy that left me aching for her to be healed. at forty weeks….

- to read the rest, go to LABOR ENABLER

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