Thursday, August 2, 2012

Prayer During Labor

It shouldn’t surprise me, but several inquiries that have come my way have mentioned that Mom is interested in hiring me because of my openness to prayer during labor and delivery. I realize this can be a hot topic for some women, because God, Christianity, and prayer can (and does) mean different things to different people! I’ve been asked to pray with roughly half of my clients, either with them or over them during difficult times, and each time it’s been a unique experience. Prayer is intimate and different for every person, and I respect that.

For me, birth mirrors the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. He died so we could have eternal life, and in birth we truly have to die to our comforts and desires for the greater good of our child. In both cases, the pain is not futile, it comes with a wonderful gift! Life!

My philosophy about birth and parenting is that it should be as natural as possible, that we should work in harmony with the way God made our bodies. I follow this philosophy as I bring up my children and am aware of the foods, creams, medications, cleaning supplies, and clothing that comes in contact with my children’s bodies.

- to read the rest, see BLISSFUL BEGINNINGS DOULA CARE

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